Wivenhoe waterfront


All Rental EPCs for landlord and lettings

Energy Performance Certificates for the Colchester area
EPC in or near Colchester ? Sale or Rental.

07779 128922

Residential EPC, Lettings EPC, New-Build SAP EPC, Solar PV Surveys

01206 212867

Rental EPC for landlord

Need an EPC today? No premium for express service

    • Almost all rentals/lettings from April 2020 must have a valid Energy Performance Certificate.

    • Arrange your EPC with just one call or email.

    • Valid for 10 years for rental properties, and renewal only required after that time.

    • Certificate usually available online within 24 hours of survey.

    • Residential properties from £65* (all-in), discounts up to 20% for multiple orders.

    • Experienced local energy assessor providing prompt, polite, professional service at a competitive price.

    • DBS vetted, Elmhurst accredited and fully insured. An efficient, locally based service you can rely on.

    • If questions crop up I will deal with them personally they will be handled quickly and courteously.

    • No waiting for a helpline assistant to talk to you.

You will be aware of government regulations which specify that an Energy Performance Certificate is made available
to prospective tenants for all new tenancy agreements.
Under the MEES rules (see here) the minimum EPC rating currently required for rentals and lettings is a band E.
Properties with a lower rating may no longer be let.

We are always happy to advise on how to achieve a better rating

All you need do is make one phone call, we will do the rest



'Does exactly what it says in the spin'

Click to access a link to the government booklet

"Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) and renting homes: A landlord's guide"

  We are always happy to answer any questions you might have about the Energy Performance Certificate requirements.

So for more information or to book an Energy Assessment just call now or email

Accreditation No. EES/001207

Elmhurst accredited energy assessor

Accredited and PI insured through Elmhurst Energy

For more details about our EPC service please click through to one of our other sites, either

colchesterepcs.co.uk    or    epccolchester.com

The Energy Saving Trust has a very comprehensive site with links to almost everything you might want to know about EPCs,

information about grants for loft and wall insulation, energy saving bulbs and other ways of reducing both your energy costs
and carbon footprint.


as does


Official details about Energy Performance Certificates are available at the government website


The following towns and villages all fall within our area

Wivenhoe, Tiptree, Ipswich, Copdock, Capel St Mary, Hadleigh, Boxford, Sudbury, Bures, Bentley, Dedham, East Bergholt and Langham.
Colchester, Ardleigh, West Bergholt, Clacton, Rowhedge, Brightlingsea, Arlesford, Thorrington, Weeley, Great Horkesley and Nayland.
Stoke, Boxted, Aldham, Copford, Eastthorpe, Great and Marks Tey, Earls Colne, Lexden, Stanway, Prettygate, Halstead and Braintree.
 Also Cressing, Bradwell, Witham, Coggeshall, Kelvedon, Hatfield Peveral,  Maldon, Mersea, Peldon and everywhere in between.

Not in our area? For links to independent EPC providers in other parts of the country please click.


Provider of Energy Performance Certificates in the Colchester area.

Other sites for EPCs in Colchester and the surrounding areas:


*Any property built 1900 onwards. Pre 1900 build add £10